The overtone of a pearl is one of the most important features to consider when choosing pearls. while most people don’t really think about pearl overtones when selecting pearls, it’s the overtone that enhances how a pearl looks, adding to its luster and accentuating the color.
Regardless of the type of pearl you choose (South Sea, Akoya, Tahitian etc…) the overtone will significantly impact the overall look of the pearl. Knowing about pearl overtones will help you to select most suitable option for you.
Let’s take a look pearl overtones.
What is Pearl Overtone?
Many people think that pearl overtone refers to the color of a pearl, but it doesn’t. Rather, it refers to the subtle sheen that shimmers on the surface of the pearl, noticeable when light touches it. Pearl overtones are what elevates a pearl from a simple organic gemstone to a well-loved, lustrous creation. It’s the combination of body color and overtone that makes up the color of the pearl.

These pearl studs are white Akoya pearls, but they’re not exactly white, are they? The pinkish overtone is what gives them the delicate blush that enhances their coloring
If I asked you what color pearl you’re after, you might immediately say white. But white pearls have at least three well-known overtones (described below) which impact how it looks against your skin and what setting it should be placed in.
The three main types of pearls are white, black and gold and each of these varieties have specific overtones which appear on their surface.
White Pearl Overtones – Akoya, White South Sea and White Freshwater

The three most popular overtone colors for white pearls, especially Japanese Akoya and White South Sea, are silver, rose and cream.
1- Silver Overtone
Of these three, the most popular overtone color for white pearls is silver. It provides a white sheen to the pearl and accentuates its white color, giving it the most classical, traditional look. About 85% of all online customers choose this overtone for their pearls.

This overtone pairs well with both yellow, rose and white gold metals. White gold gives the pearls a modern contrast and bring out the whiteness of the pearls while yellow and rose gold lends it a classic, vintage touch.
2- Rose Overtone
The rose overtone gives a feminine look to the pearls and is the most traditional overtone, especially for Akoya pearls. The feminine blush it adds to the pearl’s white body tone makes the pearl look delicate and flattering.

Pearls with this overtone look especially beautiful with yellow gold, as the two colors complement each other. However, white gold gives a cool, modern contrast perfect for a contemporary look.
3- Ivory Overtone
The cream overtone ads an off-white, creamy look to pearls and has a classic, even vintage-like vibe. It pairs beautifully with yellow gold settings, which brings out the creamy tint of the pearls.

Yellow gold is the best metal option for cream colored pearls. The soft look of the cream colored pearls perfectly suit the warmth of yellow gold. White gold might provide too much of a contrast but it can still make for a striking, stunning look.
Tahitian Pearl Overtones
We tend to think of Tahitian pearls as the only authentic black pearls, but interestingly, Tahitian pearls are rarely completely black.
They occur more commonly in a range of dark body tone shades, surfaced with an amazing variety of intriguing overtones.
These occur in a wide variety of colors, from the unique and mesmerising ‘oil slick’ tone to more neutral hues like silver-steel.

Tahitian pearls also occur in eggplant, exotic browns, dark reds, blues and greens among others and it’s this range of overtones that make the gemstone so magical.
Take your pick and choose the one that suits your complexion and style.
Golden South Sea Overtones
The most luxurious pearl, the Golden South Sea pearl, is known for its golden body color that’s unlike any other pearl on the market. Although at first glance, Golden South Sea pearls might appear just gold, these pearls feature a range of golden shades from a pale champagne like color to a deep, golden pinkish hue.
As with most gemstones, the deeper and more vivid the color, the more valuable and sought after the pearl. The most popular overtones for Golden South Sea pearls are solid, yellow gold, pale champagne, pinkish blush hue, silver/steel and green/bronze overtones.

The most common is the yellow overtone while rose overtones are very popular too. The champagne golden pearl is more a body color than an overtone, as the entire pearl features this color.

While you won’t typically find the overtone color listed in pearl jewelry description, you’ll come across pearls marketed as champagne pearls, in allusion to their color that resembles the popular, celebratory drink.
Pearl Overtones and Skin Complexion

Some pearl overtones tend to complement certain complexions better than others. While this is a general guide, it doesn’t mean that these are hard and fast rules. If you love a certain pearl color and overtone, go for it.
- Pale or Light Skin: Overtones with rose and cream tend to complement this skin tone best, as it adds warmth and color to your look. Think white Akoya or Golden South Sea with rose overtones.
- Tan or Dark Complexion: Silver or steel overtones, or the green bronze of some Tahitian pearls are ideal for dark skin. These colors tend to complement rather than clash with the skin tone. Think Akoya steel or Tahitian green overtones.
- All Complexions: Tahitian pearls tend to complement all skin tones, especially the oil slick or peacock overtone. Yellow overtone on gold pearls typically suit every skin tone too.
If you’re not sure whether a set of pearls looks good on your or not, try it on and see how the pearls complement your complexion. You’ll know if a set of pearls adds to your look and makes you glow, fades against your skin or just doesn’t look right.
But what if you’re shopping online? Most pearl stores have a 30-90 day returns policies which makes it much easier for you to find the right pearls for you.
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